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Advanced Floral Design Class

Class Syllabus


I took the Professional Flower Design class this past summer after seeing their designs which are very elegant and classy. I loved every moment of it. Our super talented teacher, Vivian Liu, taught us all the flowers arrangement fundamentals of from the types of arrangements, basic design principles, introduction to flowers, flower care, color combinations, and techniques. She also patiently guided us through our super hands-on practice.

We created many arrangements in class, each arrangement taught us new techniques and build on the knowledge and skills we acquired in previous classes. I’m really glad the class is small so Vivian was able to provide each student proper attention.

Celine was also a fantastic help. She made everything from registration to graduation run smoothly. She took great pictures of each student and their arrangement so by the end of class, we have a wonderful portfolio.

I totally recommend taking their Flower Design class if you are interested in making beautiful flower arrangements whether you want to do it for work, business, or just to have better looking flowers in your living room! Thank you so much, Vivian, Celine, and all staffs at Arbutus florist! I appreciate you all and wish you all the best! ❤️ 
Agatha. S
The fundamental design course exceeded my expectations. Vivian‘s knowledge and passion for floral design was such a pleasure to witness. Her patience and expertise helped us students learn integral skills, and the small size of the class allowed for great one-on-one instruction. Us students were able to create some beautiful projects while learning skills that allow me to leave the course feeling confident to move forward with my floral design journey.
Sam. B
If you love the beauty, colour and the mystery of flowers, Arbutus Florist offers the right class for you. Fear not! You don't need to be a professional floral designer, or have any knowledge about floral design just a desire and a passion to use your imagination and creativity.The classes are part theory, you learn about different designs from the very traditional to the ultra modern, and you gain a wealth of knowledge about the many varieties of flowers to use when designing.From day one you will work with flowers in their many forms, fresh, treated and dried. The instruction is truly incredible.My instructor - the awesome Brenna Quan is so creative, and so patient, and so willing to share information about the industry and how she works. I looked so forward to each week's class and entering the zen like atmosphere at the shop. Oh and least I forget, Arbutus Florist takes professional pictures of your designs, and you get to keep not only what you make in class, but the pictures too. Hands down this is an incredible course.
Susan. S
The beginner floral design course at Arbutus Florist is absolutely amazing!!  Vivian is so knowledgeable and teaches with such passion.  The small class size means lots of individual attention.  The arrangements you make will stun your friends and family.  Added bonus is the lovely Celine - expert photographer and organizer.  Highly recommend!
Jacqueline. W
兩年前透過朋友的介紹在Instagram看到小V老師的初級花藝課招生簡介,記得當時大家都還要帶口罩,擔心著上課安全嗎? 但一看到老師獨特的作品就覺得一定要排除萬難的去上課. 因為時間上的關係只能報名上英文班. 我到現在還是好感恩及慶幸當時的選擇.一到小V老師的花店,立馬就愛上了! 裡面的擺設特別,環境乾淨舒適. 每一堂課老師都會很細心的講解課程內容,用心的準備花材,花器. 老師會親自示範作一次當天的花藝主題作品,再走好幾回一對一的觀察及指導每個學員,讓每個學員發揮做出屬於自己的成品. 還有專業的小助理Celine總在旁邊幫忙及拍美美的照片.兩個月的課程,每次上課我都好期待. 看著其他學員的成品及問答自己也學到很多知識. 而且我們到現在都還有聯絡,真的是很難得的緣分. 到現在看到當時的照片還是好療癒!在忙碌的工作與生活中,能有一天去靜下心去學習,做自己一直想嘗試的事真的很棒!我覺得我收獲很多,真的是物超所值!大推!謝謝小V 老師,也期待能再開其他的課程
Emily. H
很喜欢刘老师的初级花艺课程。1、教学内容丰富多样,理论与实际操作相结合,使我们明白了该怎么做一个花艺作品,也让我们明白为什么会这样做它。2、老师布置的实操花艺作品,即让学员学习基本功,也让学员发挥自己的想象力。每个学员的作品都是自己对花的感悟的表达与诠释。我为自己的花艺作品而高兴,也为班里同学的作品而高兴。谢谢刘老师这次的课程教学,我学到了很多花艺技巧和知识。希望刘老师以后多多举办各种各样的花艺活动,我很期待 !
Hui. W